Tech News

Sundar Pichai becomes CEO of Alphabet


It feels like the end of an internet era as Larry Page finally decides to step down from being the head of the parent company of Google, Alphabet. By the looks of it, after Page steps down, the ceding management control of Alphabet will go straight to Sundar Pichai. Additionally, this also suggests that Page would be taking over the mantle of CEO of Alphabet as well. The internet giant confirmed in an announcement that Sundar Pichai is going to become the CEO of both Alphabet and Google.

It was Sergey Brin and Larry Page who did co-found Google over a couple of decades ago when they were grad students of Stanford University. Both Brin and Page are going to continue being the board of directors of Alphabet. Moreover, they will still exercise considerable sway over Alphabet as the massive shareholders of Alphabet.

The astonishing news comes into being right after one of the most influential tech companies in the world received a series of criticism from President Trump and lawmakers in Washington. There is also growing scrutiny that Google has received from the regulators. Also, Google is facing rising competition from Amazon, then there are internal scandals & tension among its own people.

Google and Alphabet are managing their structure

Page & Brin have reportedly said that Google, as well as its parent company, does not need a president and a couple of CEOs. Instead, now is the time for simplifying the management structure.

The duo did write that they aren’t the people who like to hold on to the roles of management. Also, there is an excellent way for them to run their company. People who have been keeping tabs on Google aren’t surprised with Page stepping down from the spotlight. The people remarked that for a long time, Page has been trying to stay as the top executive of Alphabet irrespective stance of leaders getting intensified.

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In recent times, Brin and Page have been spending much of their time on “other bets” in Alphabet. The “other bets” technologies are quite far away from internet advertising. At the same time, Pichai has been running Google alongside the search & advertising business.

On the other hand, Page has been visible both inside & out of the company back in 2011 and retook the reins of Alphabet’s CEO from Eric Schmidt. By the looks of it, Eric Schmidt was brought into the company to help the company to become public back in 2004. It was this public offering that transformed the advertising business of Google into the world’s notable companies in the world.

Pichai changed the company’s dynamic completely

Sundar Pichai joined Google back in 2004; however, in the year 2015, Pichai became the CEO of Google. After becoming the CEO, Pichai did create a publicly-traded company by incorporating disparate business when the investor deemed Google of making moonshots with high-altitude balloons and driverless cars.

Schmidt stepped down from being the executive chairman of Alphabet back in January 2017. Pichai sent an email to most of the employees of Google and said that the management cut won’t undercut Pichai’s work that he does in Google.

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