In a significant development, Huobi Global Limited, a leading cryptocurrency platform, along with its Chief Executive Officer, Leon Li, find themselves in hot water as...
In conjunction with the 59th anniversary of Malaysia Day, ATLAS Vending has introduced the first-of-its-kind non-fungible badge or NFT automate apparatus to provide 13 local...
A consortium of seven Malaysian institutions has announced the inaugural cohort of Women In Blockchain Asia’s (WIBA) women-centric blockchain programming course. Happening now!#m1nted#wiba@poesyliang —...
According to local news source Harian Metro, Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin, deputy minister of communications and multimedia, has urged that Malaysian authorities authorize specified applications...
The Malaysian Central Bank And the securities regulator have reasoned to work together for the proper implementation of the regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies and ICO...
Today, Lim Guan Eng, the Finance Minister of Malaysia, confirmed in a report to a local newspaper that a crypto regulations structure which will include...