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Eric Pulier’s Spatial Web to Drive Cannes Lions 2021

The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has been around since 1954, allowing communications professionals to get rewarded for outstanding work. It’s an industry favorite for advertisers and marketers who want to make a name for themselves. And this year, they’re making a big leap in formatting – it’s entirely online, thanks to Vatom SpatialWeb. 

Traditionally, the Cannes Lions Festival would be held in, well, Cannes. Here they make a point to showcase exceptional multimedia work in the same way film festivals work for filmmakers. Now, this is obviously cost-prohibitive for smaller agencies and individuals who don’t have the spare time and money to go to France for a few days. 

What Does That Mean?

Eric Pulier of Vatom Inc pioneered a new form of digital space that you can use to showcase your business or event called the Spatial Web. In short, this means that a physical location doesn’t limit events and showcases. Instead, they’re able to use a fully adaptable, digital 3d space that can be accessed anywhere on the planet. 

What makes this so important for the Cannes Lions event is that it’s not forced to reside in one place (Cannes). This allows them to host panels, speeches, and awards ceremonies without requiring members to clear their schedules to fly out. In short, it’s the best way to celebrate exceptionalism safely.

What is Vatom, Inc.?

Founded by Eric Pulier, Vatom Inc specializes in creating smart digital goods and spaces for a worldwide customer base. Their SpatialWeb program allows users to design 3d spaces that customers can directly interact with without the need to physically touch.

Using a unique form of blockchain data storage, Eric Pulier’s Vatom Inc is able to store large caches of important data that are easily accessed later. This enables users to create dynamic, wide-reaching spaces in which to demonstrate their services without the need to wait or worry about security.

How Does This Affect the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity?

Beyond the obvious conclusion that it no longer must reside in Cannes, France, this allows a much larger range of flexibility for the festival. Speakers no longer need to clear their (often busy) schedules to fly out for a few days. Attendees can do so from the comfort of their homes and even submit material remotely. 

According to Forbes‘ MaryLee Sachs, “Last year’s Festival was admittedly low-key and content-driven…” but the addition of the Vatom SpatialWeb has changed things. Sachs says, “Over 29,000 pieces of work have been entered from across 90 countries, with marked increases of work from independent agencies and production companies.” In other words, big names aren’t the only competition anymore. 

This will allow the Cannes Lions Festival to do a few things. They’re able to reach smaller creatives without the clout of a large agency behind them, offer more diverse panels and showcases, and bring attention to truly deserving work in the communications multimedia space.

And the best part? The people who show up to this event are already professional content creators – that means you get access to innovative and creative work that you might not have seen before. With access to the unique Eric Pulier’s blockchain technology, they can do so securely and effectively. 

Who Should Be Paying Attention to This?

If you heard the word “communications” and didn’t immediately ask what that means, this is likely important to your industry. Whether you’re an in-house PR professional, agency marketer or advertising specialist, or some other form of storyteller – you likely have done work that might qualify for submission.

While that’s not to say you might win (sorry), it’s always good to get your name out there. In the communications industry, you’re only as good as your reputation. That means that a few awards and nominations might be the deciding factor on who gets that contract you’ve been vying for.

Plus, it’s a nice ego boost to see your work mentioned by professionals around the world – win or lose. And who couldn’t use a little bit of extra confidence? That’s right – nobody. 

Final Roundup

If you’re just learning about the Cannes Lions Festival and you’re one of the professionals I mentioned above – what are you doing?! Even if you’re confident you won’t win, you’ll have the opportunity to learn a great deal about industry trends, tactics, and tools. That means that you’re likely going to come out of the festival with a slightly larger edge than before. 

And by seeing Eric Pulier’s SpatialWeb in practice, you’ll learn to use cutting-edge tech to tell the best story possible for your clients. Its versatility in relation to the medium in which it functions is incredible, adaptable, and very useful. Perhaps you’ve been struggling to adapt digital services or goods in today’s post-pandemic world? If so, give SpatialWeb a shot, and you might see your name in Cannes 2022. 

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