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How to connect VR headset to pc and laptop

VR headset

Finally, you’ve found a decent VR headset for your pc or laptop and now you don’t know how to connect it with your setup. For that we are here to help you in this, you just need to go through this article and read it warily.

In this article, we will tell you how you can connect VR headset to your pc and laptop with ease, but before that, we will let you know some of the basic things that you need to consider. You can check out the best VR ready laptops from here

Virtual reality has been loved by the users since it has jumped into the market as everyone loves to watch their favourite shows, movies and other entertainment contents in a whole new world of virtual experience, where you feel like you are inside that scene.

Things you should know before connecting your VR headset to pc and laptop

Mainly there are two things you need to know before connecting VR headset to pc and laptop.

  • Make sure that your VR headset has compatibility with the laptop or pc

One of the most important thing, do you have a pc and laptop-compatible VR headset? Means f you have bought the best desktop computer under 1000 dollars or a solid laptop (like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, HTC vibe pro), and want to pair it with a compatible VR headset, you will fully immerse in virtual reality world

  • Does your laptop or pc fulfill the requirements needed by VR headset?

If you have bought one compatible for your pc and laptop, then you will need to know what are the requirements needed by the VR headset itself to stream your pc screen content on VR display. For that, you need to upgrade your pc graphics, GPU and other requirements according to the need or to purchase a new laptop for connecting and using it with VR headset.    

   These two things are basic which you must be sure about before thinking about connecting the VR headset with PC and laptop.  

Steps to connect VR headset with pc and laptop

There simple and easy steps by which you can be able to easily connect your VR headset to pc and laptop.

  1. Download the VR headset application (like if you have HTC vice then download HTC vive VR app from official site) in you pc or laptop from official site of that VR brand.
  2. Connect your VR headset and sensors with controls to your pc (make sure the sensor directed to your face).
  3. Open the downloaded app and let it connect with your VR headset with some connection permissions and configurations for your controls and sensor.
  4. After when it successfully connects, then go to your favourite content and play it.
  5. You are ready to go, wear the headset and enjoy the virtual experience.


At last, I would say thank you for reading our article, and we hope you guys find it helpful and impressive content for your problem. Keep in touch with us to get the latest updates and solutions around the tech sector.     

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