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What Are HTTP Proxies Used For?

These days, when seemingly everything is making a migration to the internet, it’s more important than ever to have good cybersecurity. You want your email correspondence and any personal data that might be on your computer to be as safe as possible.

That’s why many companies and individuals have turned to using proxies as one of their safety measures that allows them to browse the web more freely. A proxy is essentially a way to create an obstacle between your server and the server trying to connect with yours.

One of the most common types of proxies is an HTTP proxy, which we’ll be discussing in the article below. You can find out what they are used for, their advantages over other types, and why your business could benefit from using them.

Understanding the Role and Power of HTTP Proxies

Proxies are also known as Secure Gateways, and they act by examining any information that comes your way and determining if it’s safe to go through. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) proxies take it one step further and examine the incoming information and its HTTP protocol line-by-line to make sure there isn’t any malware, spyware, or any other malicious content.

By examining the protocol before it reaches the receiving server, HTTP proxies prevent any attempts on your cybersafety before they even reach your network.

Essentially it’s a high-performance content filter that can restrict any suspicious content from getting through to your web client and even prevent your server from external attacks by detecting anomalies in the protocol and denying any suspicious packets.

Comparing HTTP Proxies to Other Proxy Types

Here, we’re going to look at different proxy types by the protocols they use to protect your data and hide your digital footprint.


HTTPS Proxies are the most common kind there is and essentially works in a straightforward way. You enter the URL you want to visit into your browser, and the HTTPS proxy checks the URL before you enter the website to make sure it’s completely safe, of course using the HTTP protocol.

The good thing is, you didn’t request access to the link – your proxy did. So, none of your data can be stolen or viewed by anyone. They are excellent for web-browsing and downloading smaller amounts of data.


SOCKS (Socket Secure) proxies use a different type of protocol, promptly named the SOCKS protocol. It functions a bit differently than an HTTP protocol would, as it doesn’t check the HTTP of the website you are visiting line by line and instead sets up a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection to a server behind the website’s firewall.

Then it uses the setup TCP to transfer packets between the website and the server, keeping the user safe behind the firewall. It provides a bit more anonymity for the user and is considered more of a general proxy, unlike the HTTP proxies that you can customize to fit your precise needs.

Main Use Cases of HTTP Proxies

The main uses of HTTP proxies are, of course, mostly related to keeping you safe while you’re browsing the internet. The proxy will check the website you’re trying to access and make sure it isn’t malicious in any way.

They can also check the source of a file or attachment you want to download onto your device and check if there is any malware, spyware, or ransomware associated with the file in question. It also provides an additional layer of security to your system and a limited amount of anonymity online.

Why HTTP Proxies Are Essential to Businesses

Reportedly, there has been an increase in phishing attempts and attacks on companies’ data since the beginning of the pandemic. The explanation for that is simply that so much of our business communication and coordination is now online, giving anyone who might want to harm your company more ways to try.

That’s why businesses must upgrade their cybersecurity as soon as possible. Of course, they should first take steps like employee education to lessen the chances of an attack going through. However, that is simply not enough, and that is where HTTP proxies come in.

An HTTP proxy can ensure that all websites your employees and coworkers may visit are safe and won’t lead to a breach in company security. It goes without saying that the proxy should be monitored and installed by a trusted provider to make your business’s internet life safer.


Cybersecurity has much to offer, and it’s now needed more than ever – luckily, new programs and protocols are being developed every day. If you do a lot of your business online or want your company to be safe from cyberattacks, there hasn’t been a better time to invest in things like employee cybersecurity training, proxies, and antivirus programs.

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