Blockchain News

Blockchain News | ZEUX, blockchain based payment wallet to lend support to Hedera’s HBAR token

ZEUX, an  FCA authorised platform will be officially launching their operations within the EU regions in year  2019 and a soft launch of their product has already taken place in November, 2018. By 2020, the company hopes to launch its product world-wide.

The company has introduced the ZeuxCoin Token (ZUC) in its ecosystem. It is a payment token for all the fees in the platform. One can also expect varying holding benefits like cashback on crypto payments plus discounted fees on each transaction.

Zeux,  seeks to incorporate several key financial services including payments, banking and investment into one single app, announced that it will list Hedera’s HBAR tokens, once openly available, in its digital payment wallet, to allow users to spend HBAR for all POS payments.

Hedera Hashgraph is a next-generation distributed public ledger with highly diversified governance. Hedera, reached the $20 million cap easily in the past summer and successfully closed its token generation event for HBAR tokens.

From the CXO’s Desk

“Zeux is an extremely promising project, positioned to disrupt the financial services and the crypto payments world. They are tackling the significantly important problem of crypto payments for daily purchases, and aiming to provide a one-stop-shop for fiat and financial services. What most interests us in working with Zeux is the chance to increase the adoption of HBAR tokens which we think will be a core digital asset. People who hold HBAR will now be able to spend directly and easily in a broad set of stores.”

– Tom Trowbridge, President, Hedera.


“Hedera’s powerful hashgraph technology makes it attractive to Zeux. Their platform offers the ability to conduct transactions with unparalleled speed and security, and hence the ability to scale for mass adoption as a network. We believe Hedera will become one of most dominant networks in the decentralized world. Hence listing HBAR, the Hedera token, is essential for us to build our all-in-one fiat and crypto money app.”  –

Frank Zhou, CEO & Founder of Zeux.



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