India’s Leading B School issues Blockchain-based Certificates
SP Jain School of Global Management, one of India’s leading business schools awarded it’s batch of fresh graduates with blockchain-based certificates. A total of 1, 189 students got their certificates. The certificates available on Ethereum blockchain will make it easier for hiring managers to easily verify education claims and qualifications of graduates.
The recruiting managers will only need to scan the certificate’s QR code to confirm the credibility of potential hires qualification. The process is simple and easy to execute and anyone will be able to verify these details owing to blockchain’s immutable properties.
The details will include the Candidate’s class attendance, projects, work portfolio and other information required by the employer. The information will not compromise on individual’s privacy and identity.
According to Nitish Jain, President of SP Jain School of Global Management,
“There have been various attempts globally to issue certificates on the blockchain. But so far no one has captured the complete lifecycle of the certification, … Students’ attendance and other private data are securely stored in the school’s private blockchain and only the certification related data is exposed to the public Ethereum blockchain.”
Increased rate of Blockchain Adoption
SP Jain School of Global Management has now proudly joined the league of educational institutions and nations using blockchain-based certificates to prevent false educational claims.
Presently, educational institutions in South East Asian countries like Malaysia and Caribbean are actively pooling efforts in this direction.
In the beginning of November, the Malysian Ministry of Education unveiled their blockchain-based certificate verification platform for all university degrees in the country.
According to people familiar with the matter,
“The fake educational certificates not only disadvantage genuine students but also pose numerous dangers to society when critical sectors such as healthcare are staffed with people of questionable expertise.”
Till date, Caribbean Examinations has awarded 24, 000 candidates blockchain-based certificates in November. The certificates are accessible on Blockcerts Wallet where they are available for public verification.