Cryptocurrency News

Integral Development to Launch Institutional Grade Cryptoasset Exchange

Integral Development Corp a California-based forex distribution platform announced its collaboration with cryptocurrency trading platform, Mint Exchange to set up an institutional grade digital currency exchange.

Integral was able to raise $51 million in the initial funding and has been able to create a robust platform which provides a multi-sided trading facility and connects market users with sources of forex liquidity.

Same as the users of other traditional financial firms, Integral clients are also showing interest in trading crypto assets. In order to meet the demand from its users, it initially integrated digital assets into its patented OCX (Open Currency Exchange) at the end of last year.

In the beginning of this year, Integral expanded its digital asset services by adding fourteen various virtual currencies and also merged its platform with sixteen other crypto asset exchanges.

Cryptocurrency trading platform, Mint Exchange is looking forward to optimize Integral Development Corp expertise and experience in trading financial assets.

Masato Kikuchi, the managing director of the Mint exchange commented on their partnership with IDC said that they are looking forward to create a regulated platform for traditional investors on the Integral FX platform due to its history of reliability and innovation.

He also added that IDC processes over 40 billion dollars per day in fiat currency trading and they believe that IDC will be able to handle their digital currency volumes.

To advance liquidity levels on its platform and to remain competitive, IDC established the OCX back in 2015. The main purpose of the OCX is to connect large FX market participants in a single network to obtain more profits.

About IDC

Integral Development Corp. is a Palo Alto, California-based forex distribution platform. It was found by Harpal Sandhu and Viral Torat back in 1993. The company is headquartered in Mountain View, CA.

IDC is the industry leader in offering innovative and creative end-end solutions to automate FX trading. Its innovative practices offer financial institutions functional efficiencies and also the ability to improve liquidity by building their own private FX trading exchanges.


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