
An Exclusive Interview with the Founder of Mutant Parrot Society – Troy Quraishi

Today we have the Founder of MPS, Mr. Troy Quraishi, to tell us more about Mutant Parrot Society and what inspires him to work on such a type of project. However, before diving into the question and answer session, let’s first understand what MPS is?…


Mutant Parrot Society 


Mutant Parrot Society is a collection of 10,000 unique Mutant Parrot NFTs- these unique digital collectables are stored on the Ethereum blockchain. The NFTs were created using over 350 individual traits categorized into ten attributes.


Owners of MPS NFTs will receive the exclusive benefits of the society, including 2% royalties and access to all future NFTs. Its holders will also gain access to their upcoming metaverse jungle & P2E game.


So, let’s start with the first question


What started your interest in Crypto?

My journey in Crypto began in 2017. I bought high and sold low initially, learning a lot in the process, and only became heavily invested in 2019, when I understood the true potential of this digital revolution.


I now recognize Crypto as more than just a means to buy NFTs, play games, or make money. For me, it’s a way for us all to combat the corporate corruption of the global money supply that has dominated our lives for far too long, a hedge against inflation and a way for us all to gain financial freedom.


What is MPS all about? 


MPS aspires to empower individuals by allowing them to be part of a community that strives to make a difference. We seek to support causes such as land preservation, wildlife rehabilitation, animal activism, humanitarian aid, and conservation of endangered species. We hope that MPS NFTs can open a discussion and inspire people to realize how beautiful, weird and wonderful our world truly is and that it’s a gift that should be cherished


Where did the idea come from?


I wanted to create a platform in which I could make a sustainable way to support charities that I love. I explored many options such as Tokens, Daos & NFTs; however, as someone passionate about colour, NFTs were the most fun option that really stood out for me. I wanted to create Art that empowers change, something that will reconnect mankind to our planet but doing this in a fun and playful way.


So, what will you be doing to actually save the parrots / You talk about giving back to society, how?


We at MPS wish to create a favorable, more inclusive environment for everyone living on Planet Earth. Our 5% Royalty-Free will go directly to help support charities that share our vision & be given back to our community. Our current ecosystem is under immense pressure; we are also excited to plant 10,000 trees to support wildlife and benefit local communities.


What do these parrots in MPS represent?


Our parrots are unique and a snapshot of the representation of our incredible diversity on planet earth; however, these parrots don’t let their differences get in the way of working together. I always say, “what is life without seeking to make meaningful connections with other wonderful human beings.” 


What are your plans?


We plan to launch at the end of May. We are creating a platform to connect people from different backgrounds to unite and cherish our wonderful world. All are welcome to come and join us on Discord and Twitter to discover our unique Mutant Parrots.


What does the future hold?


The future for us is to build on the MPS brand by expanding the MPS ecosystem & bringing value to our society, for example, exclusive games, exclusive comics & rewards given to our community. I also feel passionate about providing a safe space for our community, whether in the metaverse or for people to meet in person and have a space to have meaningful discussions that serve to create a better society for all of Earth’s inhabitants.


The team

The Mutant Parrot Society was founded by Troy Quraishi and Sully Waheed with co-founders Essa Cole and Serife Eskisan who are all residents of Londen, United Kingdom. The founders created the Mutant Parrot Society with the goal to combat the corporate corruption of the global banking system that has dominated people’s lives. 






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