Bitcoin SV : Restoring The Essence of Blockchain technology & Bitcoin With Its Secure, Stable & Scalable Offerings
Blockchain has emerged as one of the most revolutionary turn arounds in the world of technology. With its decentralized architecture, blockchain offers a sound and secure architecture for a myriad of applications. Staring from basic record keeping to complex procedures like cross border financial transactions, blockchain serves several purposes with more effectiveness and efficience. Having said that, blockchain, like any other technology has its own set of drawbacks. Bitcoin SV, a blockchain-based project addresses all such issues, presents a robust framework, and restores the true essence of Bitcoin, the first major offering of blockchain technology.
Bitcoin SV or Bitcoin Satoshi Vision has built a blockchain ecosystem, while ensuring the following: stability, scalability, security, and safe instant transactions. Without these, the power of blockchain cannot be truly harnessed. Several firms have attempted to use this technology, but the lack of these aspects have hindered their progress. It might well be said, that blockchain’s mainstream adoption depends largely on how it can be used in an agnostic manner. Bitcoin SV’s offering integrated with heavy security, high scalability, fast transactional capacity, and stability allows the maximum possible utilization of blockchain technology.
The woes of traditional finance are not unknown. However, digital currencies have not been able to completely replace it due to some drawbacks as well as general perceptions. Bitcoin SV aims to present itself as a global currency that can be used both as a store of value as well as for everyday transactions. To achieve this, it as been built with the highest level of quality assurance in terms of security. On top of that, regular audits powered by testing environments like the SV Gigablock Testnet are employed to ensure updated operations.
Bitcoin SV has already partnered with several wallets and exchanges to make itself accessible to the largest possible audience. Prominent exchanges like FloatSV, OKEx, Bittrex, Poloniex, Huobi Global, Coinify, etc. have already established support for Bitcoin SV. Additionally, wallets like HandCash, Moneybutton, RelayX and Centbee also support the coin. All in all, it can well be said that Bitcoin SV has established its foothold on the digital asset world with quite some dominance. These collaborations along with its constantly advancing blockchain ecosystem makes Bitcoin SV one of the major players to look out for in the digital currrency space.