
Up and Close with Steve Grossman, CEO of Planet Digital Partners

Planet Digital Partner

Planet Digital Partners (PDP) represents an all-star team of video game industry leaders including the former PlayStation Europe President, the founder of Taking 2/Grand Theft Auto, and hit-maker studios like Saber Interactive – the developer of Halo, Quake, and NBA Playgrounds.

With incredible brands including Bass Pro, Cabela’s, and Cooking Mama, PDP is positioned to develop a portfolio of games that will deliver incredible consumer experiences and outstanding sales results. team recently had an opportunity to interview the CEO of Planet Digital Partners Steve Grossman, who has been a successful communications industry executive for over 30 years, with management experience in entertainment marketing, recording, motion pictures, television, and video games. He has financed, owned and operated communications-related companies in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.

1. Hi, Mr. Steve Grossman, Please share something about Planet Digital and how did it start?

Planet Digital Partners is a blockchain-centric video game publisher providing investment opportunities via a security token offering for a portfolio of games in development that will cover all major platforms including PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC and Mobile. Big gaming publishers focus on big budget games and often forget about medium budgeted games that have the potential to have significant sales. That’s where we come in. With a team led by highly successful industry veterans, we’re capable and excited to bring successful video games to the marketplace.

2. I can see you have a vast experience in the gaming and entertainment industry so how did you decide to enter into blockchain technology and why?

Our team saw the developments in the blockchain space and realized the huge opportunity it had
to add compelling new game features to gaming. Blockchain offers many advantages – both to
investors and gamer. Our security token offering provides investors with access to the ground
floor of video game publishing to earn a significant share of revenue generated by our company.

3. How difficult it was to connect with all the video game industry leaders and convince them to join PDP? Would you like to share any interesting incident that happened during this process?

It wasn’t difficult.  The track record of our team is hard to match anywhere in the video game industry. Our executive leadership team brings decades of combined management and sales
experience in the video game sector and our extensive connections to position us to create highly
competitive and compelling content. Our management and advisers have worked with
companies that have achieved billions of dollars in sales across multiple franchises, including the
former CEO Guitar Hero, the former CEO of Take 2/Rockstar, publisher of Grand Theft Auto.
The former President of PlayStation Europe and the developers of Halo, Quake and NBA2K.

4. We can see the gaming industry is booming and you also and directly you are competing with the giant companies like EA Games, Nintendo and Bethesda Softworks so how you are planning to give competitions to these companies?

Despite the game industry’s rapid growth, it has also consolidated to just a few big publishers
that dominate the market which makes it considerably difficult attracting investment. Today,
large game publishers focus on games with sales of $250+ million. The advantage we have is
that we connect investors to mid market games offering a greater degree of equity through a
security token and will focus on game sales of $50+ million with costs of $10 million or less.
The good news is that the consumer is publisher agnostic and rewards great games no matter
who publishes them. Just look at Mudrunner, Rocket League, Minecraft and NBA 2K all
produced with budgets of $5m or less. Each of these games has sold $50m-$150m+ and we’re
published by companies our size. The size of the publisher is really irrelevant. It’s all about the
game capturing the hearts and minds of gamer. That’s what we do.

5. How do you connect the gaming and Blockchain industry together and what do you think about their future opportunities?

The intersection of gaming and blockchain are two fields at the epicenter of a new wave of
competitive technological innovation and will be just as significant as online gaming a decade ago.

At Planet Digital Partners, our games will use blockchain to extend the life of a game through
adding features like allowing characters to move seamlessly between different games and new
ways to use virtual items in and out of games. Blockchain will also eliminate virtual goods and
leader board fraud which will entice gamer to trust the marketplace.

6. Your token name is The Rocket Token™ (RKT), any reason behind this name? If, yes then please share.

The name of our token complements our mission to democratize game funding for investors,
publishers and developers. The Rocket Token (RKT) gives our investors 80 percent of the
company’s net profits until they recoup their investment, 40 percent of the net after that, and five
percent of sequel revenue. Those types of percentages are just not something traditional
stocks can offer investors and we believe investors will find it extremely compelling.

7. As per your MVP, you have planned to create many applications using Blockchain, kindly share some details about those applications and how it will benefit the gamer?

Our games will supply digital assets, rewards, and recognition via blockchain technology
allowing players to go beyond owning their in-game items. We will also enable players to
compete publicly with permanent consequences to their characters. Viewers will be able to do
more than merely comment and “tip” players in the arena. Creators will create custom maps and
register them via blockchain to make them available for players to explore and compete in.

8. Are you planning to attend some meetups or conferences in order to build a global relationship with Investors, Partners, Exchanges or other agencies? If yes, please name some and in what capacity you are participating in those conferences?

We recently launched our project and STO at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami
earlier this month. We’re focused on building our project but are open to attending more
conferences and meetups in the future.

9. Why people should invest in PDP and how they will be benefited?

Planet Digital’s mission it to democratize game funding for investors, publishers and developers
and our long-term goal is focused on creating a series of highly competitive world class games
for consumer distribution worldwide, while at the same time giving investors ground-level access
to our gaming portfolio. Blockchain and cryptocurrency figures heavily into these plans, as
Planet Digital will utilize proceeds from its token sale for game development, manufacturing and

10. Something you would like to say to our audience

At Planet Digital, we have a best-in-class executive team that is working hard to provide
competitive and compelling content to gamer and commercial opportunities to investors. We’re
rolling out an exciting portfolio of games that include big names like Cooking Mama and Bass
Pro Shops The Strike that have sold over $300M to gamer.


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