On Monday, Twitter suspended an account. Previously the account caused a widespread controversy between two different groups. The account led to a controversial encounter between a group of high school students and a Native American elder. The controversial scenario ignited because the high school students donned the hats of Make America Great Again.
According to the details shared by Twitter, the account belongs to a California schoolteacher. CNN played a vital role in uncovering the truth. The profile photo of the account was not of a school teacher; according to CNN instead, it was of a blogger based in Brazil. After CNN Business inquired about the account, Twitter immediately suspended the account.
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The viral incident that caused it!
The account came into being back in December 2016. The username of the account is @2020fight. In the beginning, people felt that the tweets came from a female named Talia who resides in California. The biography of the account read as “Teacher & Advocate. Fighting for 2020.” At the beginning of 2019, an average of 130 tweets came from the account in a day. Also, @2020fight has over 40,000 followers.
Last week, on Friday, the account had posted a 60-secs long video which showcased the iconic confrontation between two ethnic groups. The groups included the high school students and an elder from Native America. The confrontation has given rise to a perplex scenario. The blogger uploaded the video with a caption as “the MAGA loser is joyfully bothering a protester who belongs to Native American ethnic group at the Indigenous Peoples March.
Around 2.5 million people have viewed the caption version of the video. And at the same time, the video has been retweeted around 14,400 times. CNN Business has recovered this cached version of the tweet. @2020fight shared the video on Twitter.
Nevertheless, the video did not showcase the other confrontation between the Native American elder and the high school students. Before the video went viral on Twitter, someone present at the event had posted the video on Instagram. However, the video came into limelight with the help of @2020fight’s caption.
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Storyful assistant editor, Rob McDonagh said that the @2020fight video was the original version of the incident that became popular on social media. During a service which vets the content, McDonagh monitored the Twitter activity last week Saturday morning.
Even the media is curious!
Some of the major media outlets based in America reached out directly to the user of @2020fight. Even the media outlets are curious to know about the video.
McDonagh also revealed that he found the account as a suspicious account because of the high follower count. The account even showcases the high rate of tweets. And there is an image of another person in the account.
Molly McKew, who is also an information warfare researcher took notice of the tweet. And later she shared the tweet from her account on Saturday. McKew later also clarified that a series of anonymous accounts are working together to make the video viral. The goal of these anonymous accounts is to amply the video so that everyone can watch it across the US.