Crypto Currency

Bitoin Trader: How to get started

If you have not yet tried a robot to help you in your trading sessions, this may be a good time for Bitcoin Trade to start doing it, and that is because we have software that may interest you and that is Bitcoin Trader.

What is and how does Bitcoin Trader work?

Bitcoin Trader is software programmed to trade the currency and cryptocurrency markets. It is a robot that offers us superior technology thanks to its advanced programming that allows us to make the most of the possibilities of the markets.

This robot is capable of analyzing the markets in a matter of seconds and detecting the best times to enter and exit the market. If you want to operate with benefits in cryptocurrencies, this robot will help you know when to buy and when to sell.

As it is a robot, it will not get carried away by any kind of emotion but will use its algorithms at all times and act accordingly. A robot is always going to be disciplined in trading and if it has the right settings we can further enhance the experience of trading in cryptocurrencies and foreign currencies.

It should be noted from Bitcoin Trader that we have a robot that has been so well programmed that offers us high precision in operations. In this case, we do decide to test the software, we will realize that practically most of the operations that are executed on the platform will bring us profits, and that is that the accuracy percentage is 99.4%.

Regarding the operation of the robot, in this case we have two options, since the robot allows us both to use it for automated trading and for manual trading. When we talk about a robot we usually think of auto-trading, and that is one of its tasks. Although there are also times that these software allow us to make use of their signals to operate manually, as is the case with Bitcoin Trader. Want to get more info? Just click here.

In Bitcoin Trader, therefore, we have two modes of use: manual trader and auto-trade.

So depending on our needs we can choose between one option or the other, or as many operators usually do, you also have the possibility of using both functions.

What to do to get started?

If you are interested in using Bitcoin Trader for your operations with cryptocurrencies, we invite you to try it, and for this you will have to register.To open an account you will have to provide these personal information: name, surname, email, password and telephone number.

When you are registered you will have direct access to the robot, which you can configure from ‘Settings’ to adapt it to your trading needs. In your private area you will have all the details of your account, and you can decide the broker that interests you the most to operate, within a predetermined selection since the robot only works with a limited offer of broker. If you do not decide for yourself, your account will be linked to a broker by default, just as if you do not touch the settings, the configuration of the robot will remain as is also by default. 

In this case, the smartest thing to do would be to set the settings we want, although if you don’t have much experience you can leave it as it is, since the robot will work anyway. In the ‘Brokers’ section you will have access to the offer of available trading platforms, so that you can choose the one you want to link the robot and carry out the operations for you. In the same way, from ‘Settings’ you will have access to the configuration of the robot, so that you can customize the software to your investment needs. When you have your account linked to operate you need to fund the account so make a deposit so that the robot can start its activity. In Bitcoin Trader you will need to deposit a minimum amount of 250 US dollars.

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